Today was teacher’s day, so my day was spent in school. I wrote a couple blog posts, and heard one sermon. I chatted with a friend. I came home and heard a couple more. I signed up for a theology class online that starts June 1; I’m excited for it to start.

Why am I telling you all this? Well, mostly because my day was normal. Nothing extraordinary happened. Nothing fantastic happened. There was no flash of light, no revelation, no audible voice, no stunning miracles, no visions of God — only the ordinary. Mundane. Boring. And etc cetera.

Except for one thing.

I got the random urge to download the messenger app that I couldn’t shake. I needed, I knew, to check my messages. I didn’t think twice about it, until I’d already pressed download — and then it hit me what I was doing and I was like “Errr I’m not supposed to be on.” I still went ahead with it; the urge was too strong. When the app launched, and I saw the messages I’d received, I realise why: a friend was in the midst of messaging me regarding some important things — important God things.

I spent about an hour talking to said friend about God, His love and forgiveness, and all those. At the same time, another friend I hadn’t spoken to in months also randomly decided to message me and we managed to catch up, even if only for a short while. After all was said and done, I deleted the app again.

I don’t believe in coincidences — not with a God who owns Heaven and earth and is outside of time itself. Did I redownload the app because I was weak and wanted to, and God redeemed that for His glory; or did I redownload it because God knew I had messages coming in He wanted me to see and respond to? I don’t know. I honestly don’t; it could be either.

Does it matter?

No, not really. Either way, God’s will was done.

In the middle of normalcy, of boring, He stepped in and made it extraordinary. Did I do much? Not really; I listened, I encouraged, and I said what I feel God told me to. Was my day suddenly made meaningful, more so than simply going through the motions? Yes. A thousand fold yes; I’d done right in His eyes (I hope; I pray). I’d allowed myself to be used by Him, even if I didn’t realise what was happening as I redownloaded the app.

I start every day with a simple prayer, and have for the last few years: Lord, take today into Your hands. Let Your will be done today.

Do I always have these moments, where amazing ‘coincidences’ happen — or rather, where He sets things into place in remarkable and perfect timing? No. Not always, though I wish it. Or perhaps He does, and I just don’t see the fruits just yet. All I know is that He can and will use me, should I choose to ask Him to.

So, in summary, today was pretty darn awesome.

Day Four Catalogue

Blog Posts:
~A Prayer
~The Problem with Names (pt. 2)
~Day Five

~Courage, Christ, and Finishing the Mission (Michael Ramsden)
~Lost and Found (Michael Ramsden)
~One God; Many Paths? (Michael Ramsden)

She Reads Truth:
~Holding Tight to Permanent; Day 3
~Hymns V; Day 1
~This is the Gospel; Day 1